15 people die every minute

The World Health Organisation states that;
“Tobacco kills more than 8 million people each year.
More than 7 million of those deaths are the result of direct tobacco use while around 1.2 million are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke.”

This works out to

22,000 human beings everyday
Who pay to kill themselves and those around them
900 lives lost every hour
Because they started smoking and can’t stop
15 deaths every minute
Because they don’t know about the information herein

The Food & Drug Administration (USA) states
“Fact: There are more than
7,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke.
More than 70 of those chemicals are linked to cancer”

That means;
It’s the chemicals which are then inhaled
by the smoker and those around them from a lit cigarette
that kills them
Inhaling the chemicals from a lit cigarette
is what kills our loved ones

It is Not the nicotine
It is Not the habit
….but they play the supporting roles

Hi My name is Alvin Low
I’ve been a vape retailer and an e juice brewer since 2015
Helping my customers to make choices that match their needs
Has always been my priority
I welcome you to my series of informational videos on Vaping
And I hope you find these videos useful

What you’re about to learn is not a conspiracy theory
It is a conspiracy

It is alvinslowdown.com’s vision
To inform and educate with the ultimate goal
Of eradicating death and disease
Due to smoking

To be able to solve an issue
We must first understand what causes it
To understand what it encompasses
Then and only then
Can we actually solve the issue by ensuring
A solution for every aspect of it

Knowledge is power
It takes intention, time and attention
To achieve true knowledge
Take this discovery journey with me and you’ll discover why
Smokers find it impossible to stop smoking until now
You will also find out that im fact
It is not difficult at all

Let’s begin the investigations

Big tobacco Will want to protect themselves
And their 3 trillion USD per annum revenue
This video needs to be shared far and wide
Before it’s removed
Pause-Like-Share-Save a life
Thank you

3 factors combine to make cigarette smoking deadly
1) Addiction
From plant to cigarette
Tobacco goes through a lot of processing
The answer lies in what addiction is

Is anyone addicted to fruits and vegetables in general?
No! Of Course not!
Are you sure?
How then do you explain the real addiction to chillies?

We all know many people who are addicted
Many cannot eat their meal without them
When travelling chilli addicts take their own
In case there aren’t any where they are going
Some chilli addicts even have to have them with their soup
We all know at least one chilli addict in our circles
Especially if in Asia
But what is it that makes chilli addictive?
Turns out it’s exactly what makes anything addictive

Time & Strength
Specifically the time in between the action and the effect
And the strength of the effect

The faster we achieve the effect
And the stronger the effect
The faster and stronger the addiction

Our brain recognises what we do to make it release dopamine
The natural feel good chemical

That’s the phenomenon of Instant Gratification
The stronger and faster our body feels dopamine
The more the body craves it
The birth of Addiction

Apply this to the things that people can get addicted to
and you’ll see the fundamental truth
Now, contrast it with all the things that people do not get addicted to
And there’s your proof

The worst thing about addiction is
The more we get
The more we get used to it

A virgin chilli eater will cry, cough and sweat
The first time they try it
The kick or effect of chillies will keep them coming back
For that dopamine release
Each additional dosage to achieve the higher requirement for
In contrast try that with any other food/action which only provides
delayed gratification
Without the kick or strong effect in a short time after the action will result
in almost no returns

American Thoracic Society Stated;
“The faster the delivery of nicotine to your body,
the greater the addictive effect on the brain.”
“Cigarettes have been designed to give
HIGH LEVELS of nicotine to the brain

That’s when the process to manipulate nicotine for stronger effects ands
faster delivery to our brains from cigarettes started in the 1960’s
The experiments were led by and the results were very successfully
implemented by Philip Morris International
The makers of Marlboro

As reported by 29 surgeon generals over a period of 45
Compiled and published by
The National Centre for Biotechnology Information

Addiction to fast reacting high levels
of Nicotine may not kill on its own
But it leads to

2) Habit
What exactly is habit?

Cambridge Dictionary defines Habit as;
Something that you do often and regularly, sometimes without knowing
that you’re doing it

Basically its a set of automatic actions

According to Wood, W, and Neal, D.T (2016)
There are 3 main components to habit formation
1) The context cue
2) Behavioral repetition
3) The reward

1) The Addiction – to Fast Reacting High Levels
of Nicotine from cigarettes causes
2) The Habit – repetitive automatic action of smoking to satisfy
3) The Need – of Fast Reacting High Levels
of Nicotine in our body/brain

Multiple instances per day
Multiple times per instance
3) Inhaling 7000+ deadly chemicals each time

This is the conspiracy

With no knowledge of how addictive the manipulated Nicotine is in
cigarettes, nearly all who try become hopelessly addicted

The Addiction then causes an almost unbreakable habit
An automatic set of actions multiple times every day

An unbreakable habit which engages all 5 of our human senses

Touch, sight, sound, taste and smell
Multiple times every day inhaling 7000+ deadly chemicals

Then Big Pharma comes to the rescue…NOT

Nicotine gum, patches and receptor blockers
Only helps if at all with the Addiction
But does nothing for the habit

Locked into a never ending cycle and with a mortality rate of 50%
according to WHO
Today we put a stop to this

For 30 years I was a pack of 20’s a day smoker
It took me 6 days and 17 cigarettes to quit smoking completely
Since my last cigarette on the 31st of June 2015, i’ve dedicated to
Help smokers quit this deadly cycle in proper and healthier ways

This project is my way of reaching out to those who are trapped,
as I was
That its not only possible to quit smoking,
it can be done easily, painlessly and quickly
You will gain the power to quit smoking with the right information
Following a proven specific scientific process with the right tools
My all encompassing psychophysiological programme and support is all
you need

My promise is this;
Use my programme exclusively and in its entirety
Follow my process exactly as its laid out, which is individualised
specifically for you
And you’ll be a non smoker in 30days or less

Within 30 days of following my programme
You’ll no longer be
1) Addicted to High Levels of Fast Reacting Nicotine
2) Locked into the habit of smoking
3) Inhaling 7000+ chemicals including 70+ which are directly linked to

The even bigger Conspiracy
Is the conspiracy against the solution

The World Health Organisation (WHO)
Global number of smokers estimated at 1.3 billion

Buying cigarettes every day
Some desperately trying to quit
With products that were never designed to work
What else could it ever be about?

Money and control

How Much Do You Spend?

According to the National Cancer Institute, the average cost of a pack of
cigarettes is $6.28, which means a pack-a-day habit sets you back $188
per month or $2,292 per year.
2 Ten years of smoking comes with a
$22,920 price tag.

1,300,000,000 smokers
Each spending an average USD 2,292 a year
Is USD 2,979,600,000,000

Nearly Three Trillion Dollars
Annual revenue from cigarette sales
Do an internet search for
“How many tobacco companies globally”
The results will undoubtedly shock you
How many of those companies hold 90% of the global tobacco industry

Yorkshire Cancer Research
“Vaping Demystified”
Is one of the most informative videos produced on vaping
Watch this

Public Health England
In an independent study in 2015
Found and still maintains today that vaping is 95% less harmful as
compared to smoking
, and recommends using e-cigarettes to aid in
stopping smoking
Published via BBC
Smoking vs Vaping; Watch lab test results
Recommends using e-cigarettes to stop smoking
Please use the links to watch with your own eyes all the evidence that’s
been published by relevant authorities

The terms
Vapes Mods Pods
Electronic Nicotine Delivery System (ENDS)
Are used incorrectly interchangeably
Each term may describe a different type of delivery systems used
for differing types of e liquid

Different e-liquids for different outcomes
Motor vehicles?
Sure, but are they the same?
Same fuel? Samer uses? Same costs?
Same skills required?

3 main types of e-liquids
1) With 0% Nicotine – Known as Nicotine free e-juice
2) With original nicotine – Known as freebase nicotine e-juice
3) With Nicotine saltsSalt Nicotine – Known as Nic Salts/Salt Nic
Be aware also that there are different grades of ingredients
Pharmaceutical Grade
Food Grade
Commercial/Industrial grade

This is where 95% less harmful compared to smoking can vary
depending on the grade used
Besides the nicotine
Ejuice is supposed to be made with
Propylene Glycol Vegetable Glycerin
Food flavourings
Sometimes with added
Sweetener Menthol *Cooling Effects
*The lower the % the better*
So now you know there’s different types of e juice depending mainly on
the presence of which type of Nicotine
From earlier on in this video, you know that Nicotine is not the Smoker
We learnt that Nicotine can cause Addiction
More specifically we found that the Faster the Reaction and
The higher the levels
The stronger the Addiction
Immediate Gratification (Addictive)
Delayed Gratification (not addictive)
So just like the motor vehicles we looked at earlier
We need to find the correct type for our specific purpose
You wouldn’t use a Formula 1 car to do sand dune hill climbs,
would you?
Pretty sure you won’t use a tank for a Formula 1 race either, right?
One of the most factual articles on
The difference between Salt and Freebase Nicotine
Shows that
Salt Nic – Benzoic or Citric Acid added
Since 2014 Available in higher levels of Nic
Faster adsorption
Smoother at higher Nic %
Lesser puffs with lesser vapour
More Addictive
Freebase Nic
– Zero additives
Since 2004 Slower adsorption
Harsher at higher nic levels
Available inn lower Nic %
More puffs and larger clouds
Less Addictive
Even within the Vaping Industry
There is very little disclosure
As mentioned at the start
It takes Intention, Time and Attention
To gain true knowledge
Freebase Nicotine e juice usually comes in 3,6,9,12 mg per ml
Salt nicotine e juice can go as high as 50mg per ml
They both have their uses and clearly, care has to be taken

Vaping Myths
“Vaping is just as ore even more harmful than smoking”
Inhaling 7000+ chemicals produced when smoking including 70+
directly linked to cancer is what kills smokers (FDA)

There is no combustion in Vaping
Vaping does not produce deadly chemicals in Smoke
There is no smoke

“Vaping is just as or even more harmful than smoking” is debunked

“Vaping hasn’t been around long enough to know the long term effects”
The current modern e-cigarettes stems from a design first patented
by Hon Lik in 2003, production started 2004

2004 till 2021 = 17 years
Vaping is one of the most researched inventions of our time
As clearly noted in the Vaping Demystified video

By Yorkshire Cancer Research
“Vaping hasn’t been around long enough to know the long term effects”
is debunked

“68 Vaping deaths 2019-2020”
Do your own research, the headlines are sensational no doubt
The content of these articles however clearly show it’s the addition
of Vitamin E acetate to cannabis e juice that caused the deaths

Google/firefox/duckduckgo/any web browser
To date deaths due to vaping freebase nicotine ejuice is 0 (zero)
“68 Vaping deaths 2019-2020” is debunked

As we’ve just learned
Addiction to fast reacting high levels of manipulated nicotine in cigarettes
locks in a
Habit of inhaling deadly chemicals from
Cigarette smoke multiple times every day and the conspiracy against
solution is real and evident
Join me in the final video by clicking on the last link in the description
There I’ll explain how and why my programme works

To receive the programme simply takes an email to me with your
specific answers to some questions about your situation

Click here to contact me
Thank you

Hey thank you so much for watching
Please feel free to visit my online store at alvinslowdown.com
Have a great day
I’ll see you next time